Saturday, February 25, 2012

a wedding gift

29 years ago, I received from my Aunt Caroline, a wedding gift. It is a silver tray that I promptly put in a cabinet and forgot about for the next 25 years. When doing a serious house cleaning, I found it. Angie's friend at the time, Kayla, remarked how beautiful it was and why did I never use it? I couldn't find a good answer. I tried all the obvious. It was too fancy for me. Impractical for small children. I didn't do such a good job trying to explain. Kayla thought I should clean it up and use it. So I did. I cleaned it up, bought doilies for on it, so I could serve cookies on it every now and then. Then I decided that it should be out everyday. So I dug up some old trinkets and candles. It sits on my Hoosier cabinet 365 days a year. It reminds me of a lot of things. A young girl getting married. An Aunt that I don't get to see enough. That life is too short not to use the good china.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you use it all the time! I forgot I inquired about it! It truly is beautiful though; here, it actually goes with your newly equipped champagne bucket :P
