Tuesday, March 20, 2012

shiny silver things...

Lately, I find myself being drawn to silver.

When my middle child, Jacquie was small, glittery things just fascinated her. It was a source of constant amusement to me, as I was the complete opposite. It must have been buried pretty deep in me, but now I am making up for lost time.

Several weekends ago, I had the pleasure of antiquing with Erik, and our friends, Greg and Dee. I found this awesome silver plated champagne bucket. So, I bought it. With the full intent of reselling it. After all, what was I going to do with a silver bucket? Brought it home, set it on the dining room table. Everyone who saw it questioned, "What are you going to do with that?"

So I started thinking...tree branches with crows, and pumpkins at Halloween, old glass ornaments stacked in it for Christmas, and the list continued. I started searching the internet for images to spark my imagination. No luck. So I stuffed it with moss, a bird nest, and a forced bulb.

Erik says "thought you were going to sell it?" Maybe next year.

Monday, March 5, 2012

a trip to Baltimore...

Yesterday, we took a trip to Baltimore. Our neighbor Earl, treated us and his daughter Ashley to a evening concert at the Hippodrome Theater, featuring Celtic Woman.

We decided to truly make an evening of it, and figured on getting dinner before the show. I found a lovely little restaurant, Luna del Sea, within walking distance of the theater.

We arrived earlier than I had expected, but were promptly seated. My dinner was Chicken Francaise, and it was, quite frankly, amazing. Lemon, butter, parsley, and delicate. Erik had mussels in garlic sauce as an appetizer, and a crab trio for his platter. Again, he said it was perfect! After a luscious dessert of German chocolate cake, and coffee, off we went to the show.

Having never seen this group, I had no expectations. If I had, they would have exceeded them. The fiddle player, Mairead Nesbitt, had an energy that was incredible. Being a big fan of Irish fiddle, I would say I enjoyed her performance the most. However, Chloe Agnew's beautiful "Ave Maria" was phenomenal. If you ever have the opportunity to see these young ladies perform, you should most certainly take advantage of it. A show well worth seeing.