Tuesday, March 20, 2012

shiny silver things...

Lately, I find myself being drawn to silver.

When my middle child, Jacquie was small, glittery things just fascinated her. It was a source of constant amusement to me, as I was the complete opposite. It must have been buried pretty deep in me, but now I am making up for lost time.

Several weekends ago, I had the pleasure of antiquing with Erik, and our friends, Greg and Dee. I found this awesome silver plated champagne bucket. So, I bought it. With the full intent of reselling it. After all, what was I going to do with a silver bucket? Brought it home, set it on the dining room table. Everyone who saw it questioned, "What are you going to do with that?"

So I started thinking...tree branches with crows, and pumpkins at Halloween, old glass ornaments stacked in it for Christmas, and the list continued. I started searching the internet for images to spark my imagination. No luck. So I stuffed it with moss, a bird nest, and a forced bulb.

Erik says "thought you were going to sell it?" Maybe next year.

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